- To order online, you may go through the link for the specific product.
- If you are placing a custom order or a bulk order, please reach out to us, listed on the contact us page.
- All orders not ordered through the website, must be paid for up front.
- Pricing for custom orders will depend on quantity, labor, and artwork. However, there is no minimum.
- Every order is started as soon as the order comes through and is paid for.
- Please allow up to 10 business days for orders to be shipped out.
- Delays may happen due to inventory, shipping of blanks, production equipment, etc.
- Delays will be communicated and a resolution will be offered. if needed. Shipping is sent priority mail with USPS, no matter where you are in the continental United States.
- Products are not kept in stock already printed. Each order is made as the order comes in.
- Our basic t-shirts are a 50/50 poly/cotton blend.
- All of our products on the website have custom designs created by Athletisphere.
- Athletisphere holds all rights to the designs.
- Athletisphere does not own rights to logos that are used.
- Athletisphere does not use logos that are trademarked, therefore some teams may not have merchandise with their school/team logo available. there will be alternative designs available for that school/team.
- Most products purchased online will include the Athletisphere logo somewhere on the item. this is to ensure that other companies do not take credit for our products.
- Fundraisers are run through our website only.
- Fundraisers include multiple designs created by Athletisphere to be used on multiple products.
- Athletisphere will create a link on our website for the supporters to purchase their products from.
- Athletisphere will then handle all order details, including production and shipping.
- Fundraisers can run for a maximum of 2 weeks. You may run multiple fundraisers but there must be a 2 week gap between the end date of the first fundraiser and the start of the second fundraiser. This allows for any replacements or returns to happen and to completely close out the fundraiser.
- Athletisphere has up to 30 calendar days to provide the fundraising group with a check for their portion.
- Percentage of sales will be disussed on a case to case basis. this is to ensure we are remaining competitive and the leader in fundraising for teams and schools.
- If you order online, there is no return for anything that is not Athletisphere’s responsibilty, such as a mistake on the customer’s end during the ordering stage, This is because through Athletisphere, products are made to order. Athletisphere sends to production what the customer orders. For this reason, you may exchange the product with a 50% fee. You will pay 50% and return the wrong item. This would include providing shipping back to Athletisphere.
- If you order online, the return policy for anything that is the fault of Athletisphere, is that Athletisphere will exchange it at no cost to the customer. This would include defects to the merchandise upon arrival, different size from the one that was ordered, defects to the print, wrong item from what was ordered, etc.
- If you you place a custom order not through the website, all issues that are not the fault of Athletisphere, there will be no returns or exchanges.
- If you place a custom order not through the website, all issues that are the fault of Athletisphere, there will be a exchange at no cost to the customer.